Monday, September 10, 2012

Suicide Awareness Day

In case you don't know, today is Suicide Awareness day. OVER A MILLION PEOPLE ATTEMPT SUICIDE EVERY YEAR. A GOOD PORTION SUCCEED. Suicide is one topic that I feel very strong about, and here's why: Last year, when I was in 7th grade, I was having a really rough time. I was getting picked on at school, from people who thought it was funny, and who had no sense of how to act. I was going through some serious friendship issues: my friends would constantly give me a hard time about every little thing, and when it wasn't one person, it was somebody else. It was just little things, and some of it was meant as a joke, but it wasn't funny to me. And it built up over time until it got to the point where everything that everyone did got under my skin. I was also going through a rough patch with my parents, who got divorced many years ago, but these days, I'm starting to see what an effect it really had on my life. I would scream at my parents, cry, run, everything in my power to make them regret getting divorced. And then there's the problem that I don't get enough sleep. I will try to go to bed, and then I can't and the later it gets, the more upset I get, until finally, I can't take it anymore, and I'm crying hysterically, and I feel like my world is over. I just wanted it to end, right there, I kept thinking it would never get better, my parents are jerks, my friends aren't my friends, nobody cares. I wanted to commit suicide right there.

But then, I thought to myself: I am such a hard working, driven person, with a high energy personality and a happy vibe coming from me. It made my heart glow when I made people smile. Making people happy, making them laugh, helping them, means so much to me. What would happen if I wasn't around to make them smile anymore? I realized that I MATTER. That I WAS BORN FOR A REASON. THAT I WAS ONLY 12 OR 13 AT THE TIME AND I HAD SO MUCH MORE LIVING TO DO. That THE WORLD WOULD NOT BE THE SAME WITHOUT ME. THAT PEOPLE WOULD CARE IF I DIED.  And that's why I am writing this right now. I realized that my friends were awesome, and that I was just being to irritable. That my parents are divorced and that is that, and there are a million upsides to that too. That bullies are insecure jerks that have nothing better to do with their time than pick on people. But I'm no punching dummy. I have my place in this world. I MATTER.

It's said that we're given no challenges we can't handle. And what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. And if you need help, ask me. I'm here for you.

If you committed suicide, I would miss you.

Strong Inspiration.


  1. Love it. I mean, not that you thought about committing suicide thats awful, but I love how powerful this is.

  2. wow. I really love this blog.

  3. Dude,im Telling one Heck of teen man...I had Suicidals Thought Before And I Aswell and I Said the Same thing to myself...I do Matter...It's Interesting that Im not the only Teen in this World going through rough pathces (Mind The English-I suck at this Language haha)

    1. Aww thanks. it's good to know we both got over it. and dont worry i can read your english :)
