Monday, May 7, 2012


Does anyone have a sibling? (Raises hand :) Do you get along fairly well with your sibling? If so, great job! If not, you aren't alone. Most siblings fight. Some once in a while, some every day. Some with words, some with fists. My sister and my brother and I have the worst fights ever. They are both younger than me. The fights between my brother and me aren't nearly as bad as the fights between my sister and me. We fight over just about everything: from clothes, to who went into the other one's room without permission, to whether or not we should buy something. It's insane. And it happens at least once a day. And I'm not talking about snippy verbal arguments. We punch, hit, kick, slap, push; you name it. In the previous years, she has broken my finger, given me a black eye, and given me a deep cut down my leg, and I have pulled a muscle in her back, given her a bloody nose, and chipped her front tooth (on accident, but still during a fight). I can't say I'm exactly proud of it. But she annoys me so much!

Here are the top things that siblings have to say about each other:

  1. My brother/sister gets all the attention.
  2. Whatever my brother/sister does, it's always my fault, I always get blamed.
  3. My brother/sister are favored by my parents.
  4. They (brother/sister) bug me constantly.
  5. They invade my privacy and personal space, and
  6. They take stuff from me.
Been there, done that, right? So here is the time to vent about your sibling, right on this blog, in the comments. No names PLEASE, but tell me what you think about them. I know that probably no one will comment, considering that i haven't gotten many comments since March (I think), but I thought I would put it out there for those who have time.

All best,

Bugged Inspiration


  1. I totally know how u feel, my younger bro and sis fight with me all the time! Mostly my sister tho.One time while we were fighting she pinched one of my blood vessles i guess and there was this purple line down my arm for a week! Thankyou this has been a very helpfull blog!

  2. Yikes, sounds painful! I'm glad you like the blog. I was worried that people would think it was stupid. :)

