Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year, New You

So. It's 2013.

Were you hiding in 2012? Maybe you were treating other people unfairly so that you could feel better. Or maybe you were not putting as much work into school, taking the "easy way out" to avoid being called "smart" by those "populars". Does that make you a bad person? Not at all. Everyone, no matter what, can change if they want to. Is there something you have been doing that maybe isn't you? Well, it's a whole new year. So do something new. Try something that you never would have done before. Even if it isn't your thing, you can learn from it. Just stay true to yourself.

The Brand New Inspiration

P.s. My new years resolution: To blog at least once a week. So stay tuned!


  1. Hey! I just started checking your blog in December. But now I'm kinda worried! You said you would blog once a week, right? Hurry up, I need more inspiration!

  2. I miss your inspiring posts! Please come back!

  3. Please blog very soon! I need... life!

  4. We love you
    At least post a good bye post please
    You've inspired me and if you stop posting I will miss you so much!!! We love your posts!!!
