Friday, February 17, 2012

Not Psychology

This is actually not psychology. It's a conscience. I'm in middle school. I go to AMS. I'm one of you. Assuming the readers are other middle schools, or maybe AMS itself. But I know you'll ask: What is this? Let me tell you a story: I'm one of those people who is not popular. Popularity at my school is such a confusing and dumb concept, it should be banned. And there are so many others who feel this way, I'm positive. The social hierarchy is ridiculous. It's a judgement. But, really, who's the judge? I am here to inspire you, like my cover name. I know about every problem that you might come to in middle school, because I am one of you. For example: Stress. Who likes stress? Yet every day, many people feel a pit in their stomach, an ache in their head, a tear in their eye, or the pressure to suck it up. All because of that. But I have actually learned to un-stress myself fairly easily. And I will help you, at least once a week, through this blog. You may think this is stupid, or a waste of time. And if so, then don't follow this blog. But keep in mind: Everyone deserves to be happy. Everyone deserves to live. And if your life is totally fab already? Perfect. Share your advice: comment below!

-Inspiration Always