Saturday, April 21, 2012

Life As We Know It: Big Changes

Hey everyone! I am so sorry I haven't posted for so long. It has become harder and harder to post at 7:30, so sometimes, I will just have to post earlier or later, depending on the day. Without the 7:30 guideline, I will be able to post a lot more often. But I will try to make 7:30 as often as possible, so stay tuned!

This post is directed towards those of you who have had very big changes in their lives. I know there are many of us who have moved, had a parent/relative/sibling die or get majorly sick, have gotten sick themselves, transferred schools, lost a home, or lost a pet- anything that affects your life. It could even be something as simple as losing a favorite pair of shoes. Whatever changed your life, if you are feeling depression about these things, please comment them below. You can (and SHOULD) do it anonymously, but I strongly recommend you to do it. Sometimes, when you have something like that burning into your mind, it can stress you out and make it hard to think or concentrate. So please, if you want to feel better about something bad or tragic like that, please comment. We can join together to overcome anything.

Changed Inspiration


  1. Something that changed my life majorly is that my grandparents died, one before I could even meet them.

  2. Something that changed my life majorly is when my nana died. :( I miss her very much!

