Thursday, March 1, 2012

First 7:30 Post!!!!

OMG...... looks like I might actually be on time today!!!
YAY! Anyway, tomorrow, there is a pep rally at school. Pep rallies are a great time to act like an idiot without people judging you too much. This is the time where school spirit is the idea.... so be heard, be strong, be proud...... and get pumped up for those stupid and useless MSAs. I will report more on MSAs tomorrow or Saturday or something, so........ get ready. It's some pretty nasty stuff.

I would like to thank the commenters. Still inspiring me!!! Now I have a favor to request.... spread the word about this blog!! Does it help you?? It could help so many's all in YOUR hands. No pressure. :)

Motivated Inspiration

P.S. This may be a couple seconds off, but.......... :)


  1. OMG! Even though I am only in 4th grade, I still feel how you do sometimes. I am now dealing with a two faced former ''friend'' of mine who is INCREDIBLY mean at school but INCREDIBLY nice at the same time. (sigh) What should I do?

    frusterated and confused.

    1. Katie Bella 2 or Frustrated and Confused.......

      I totally hear you. That seems like a tough but common situation. I believe I'm not wrong to say that it happens to everyone from time to time. What you should do is this: When she is being nice to you, be nice back, but be careful not to get incredibly close to her. When she is being mean to you, either give her a "Look" and walk away, OR say, "What's the deal? One second you're nice, the next, you're mean. Are you my friend or not? Choose wisely, I'm not going back." If she says yes, then be her friend. If she says no, then stick to that. Do NOT give her the power of controlling you. And if she says yes and then is mean to you later, then just walk away and let her come to you. If this continues to happen over and over and over again, then maybe you shouldn't be her friend anymore. Hope this helps :) -I
